The Role of The Teacher as a Model in Forming Character Education in Primary School Students


  • Christina Turner University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  • Ian Harum Prasasti STMIK Kalirejo Lampung
  • Yasmika Baihaqi Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
  • Widi Andewi Institut Bakti Nusantara



character formation, students, the role of teacher


Character education for elementary school students is an important aspect in forming a strong personality and good morality. The teacher's role as a model has a significant impact in forming children's character. In this research, an analysis was carried out of the role of teachers as models in character education for elementary school students, as well as the challenges faced in carrying out this role. Through literature study, important findings were discovered. The role models and examples set by teachers, teaching character values, consistency in behavior, a supportive learning environment, and constructive feedback are important aspects in the teacher's role as a model. However, teachers also face challenges such as personal consistency, environmental pressures, and the need for continuous learning. Efforts such as training and support for teachers, strengthening school culture, and collaboration with parents can be taken to overcome these challenges. In conclusion, the role of teachers as models has a significant impact in shaping the character of elementary school students, and efforts to overcome the challenges teachers face can help increase their effectiveness in shaping student character


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How to Cite

Christina Turner, Ian Harum Prasasti, Yasmika Baihaqi, & Widi Andewi. (2024). The Role of The Teacher as a Model in Forming Character Education in Primary School Students. International Journal of Education, Culture and Technology, 1(1), 47–52.


